Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Titch little!

Jaysus, the heartless Mr old age always has a way to get to people who fear him the most. Ofcourse am wrinkle-phobic...what do you think?

Anyway, the story is, my littlest man turns two in exactly 24 hours from now. All the cold sweat from trying to forget all about my age goes unnoticed, under the bridge.

These little animals we painfully give life to always make sure one "onekelaz ng'amba ndi ukalamba" (I don't know how to Englishize the quoted sentence....sorry to all who can't get it).

Anyway, I am having mixed feelings about Titch little's birthday. I am happy he is finally getting out of nappies, over the moon about retiring from evil bottles, but at the same time, am sad coz my baby is growing up. Soon he will be as cheeky as the other animal who thinks being 4 is all that....
Very soon I will be whacking his evil, silly little ass, and believe me, I aint lookin forward to it.

Tj, born on the 30th July 2007, is the most adorable little creature I have ever set my eyes upon. Born at exactly 34 weeks like his big brother, he was really tiny but very perfect. I remember him screaming his lungs out soon after I pushed him out. When I looked down at him, covered in blood and guts, I thought he was a cute, but intensely irritated baby frog....what with all the brain piercing screams...?

The nurses quickly covered him up and rushed him to the premature ward. When I saw him again in his incubator a few hours later, in tubes, I couldnt stop myself from crying - tears of joy ofcourse. He was so beautiful everyone thought he was a little girl. The doctors were very impressed with his progress they allowed him home after only 3 days (his brother spent two weeks in the same neonatal unit).

My little Tick is such an angel - a joy to look at after a joyless day. He can be stubborn at times, and has a temper of a red chilli pepper. But he is also so sweet he would make honey tastes like quinine. If you see him among his friends, or with his brother and cousin, you can't help but notice how different he is....he's got a certain inexplicable aura to him that attracts people's attention.

Tj makes even the most metal-hearted person smile.

Happy 2nd Birthday my angelic little boy!

Remember mum loves you always.

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