Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I have always known I had a certain incurable malady somewhere deep in me - a scribbling malady. But accepting it just has never felt right till now. "I have a critical scribbling condition that needs an intensified treatment!"
Being enormously emotional and overdramatic, I have found Pens, papers, keyboards and typewriters much more appealing, comforting and patient than a willing listener or a broad shoulder to cry on.
Somehow extruding my erratic emotions into a pen, onto paper or keyboard is a much easier job than having to yap them out.

I just want to scribble; even stuff that sounds crazy - stuff that does not make sense... I just wanna scribble till my soul feels feeble!
I admit I do not really have any experience or writing qualifications. What I have is an intrinsic passion for words.
Maybe I suck real bad at it, maybe my spellings and grammar are a little bit disabled, but that will never stop me! Ever!!

Finally, this scribbling demon in me has been let loose. unleashed and out to destroy! Watch this space!!!

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