Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dignified failure.

"if you find someone to take the blame for all your failures, then at least you can fail with dignity." I don't know whose quote this is, but I'm in love with it.
Eve is the person responsible for all my shortcomings. Yes, Eve Adam. She's the reason my life feels like sandpaper.
Wasn't there a garden boy in the garden of Eden who she could have crept with instead of that Mamba...?
Really, Eve fucked up a lot of shite for us women!
Right now I've chosen to burn my husband's lunch, and Eve's going to take the blame.
Damn, it feels good!

*but here comes a million pound question..*

Why did God, (the almighty, the Mr-know-it-all) put that wicked fruit in the middle of Eden when he knew it was bad? Why did he not just chop it down to save the world from sin?

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