Thursday, January 3, 2013

Suddenly It's 2013!

Well, I'm not exactly sure how to begin this post...
Happy new year to you all??
How has the brand new year been so far??
Oh well, away with the beginning. Literature says there's isn't such a thing as the beginning. So even the end can be the beginning. But in this case I'm going to begin with the middle. I love the middle. It's got a mischievous side to it that gets my spirit soaring. Perhaps that's because because I'm a mischievous middle child. Lol

So you wake up from one lengthy slumber and suddenly it's 2013! You rub your puffy eyes, scratch your head and ask yourself; "where has 2012 gone to?"
The answer is; It swiftly passed away while you'd passed out.
Damn, this thing called time doesn't play games!

Let me now ask the inevitable question... I live to despise this question!
How were the festives for you?

Well, everything put aside, I had the greatest christmas! One I haven't had in years - many years in fact. So the above question won't exactly enrage me this time.
I had serious fun. Very serious FUN!
Plenty of good food, plenty of drink, and plenty of great talk.
This is the part where I should wish everyday was Xmas...
But nah! If everyday was Xmas then I'd be as poor as a church frog, and the whole celebration wouldn't be as much fun. So I guess once a year is good. Perfect!

And what's in store for 2013?
Another question I love to hate!
Well, nothing for me. As usual I'll go with the slow flow.
I just hope there won't be a lot of gothic goings-on since 13 is popularly known as a ghostly digit. Lol

***one important point I've learnt in the year that's just gone to an eternal sleep; "everything sums up to love, or the lack of it." Hannah Nkunga

Love you all!
Especially you...
And you too..
Oh yes, I mean you!

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