Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Khoswe wachitsamunda.

Nkhaniyi ikupitirira kuchokera ku yahoo bulogi (pepani koma yahoo ndi blog zilibe Chichewa chake).
Monga ndinalongosolera, makoswe amwa mowa wa a munanga. Panopa nyumba yonse ili gwedegwede, makoswe aledzera, chisangalalo chodzadza tsaya, amunanga ali msunamu kuno.
Makoswe agenda kupolisi ndi nthangala za chamba. Kuba mowa?

***nkhaniyi ndi yeniyeni**

All I have.

Home is always best. Its where the heart is.

I've always said if it were up to me, I'd have remained home.

Being so far away from family and friends can be so lonely, no matter how splashy the lifestyle.

I must say I am one of the lucky ones away from home who is not as lonely.

I happen to have a gorgeous sister who is always there when I need someone to talk to, someone to "animal-sit" (babysit).

I also happen to have the three little animals who most of the times drive me up the wall, being naughty, but also keep me smiling everytime I look in their little innocent eyes.

They are all I have, really.


I really feel like a hypocrite.
Orama's brought Religious Studies' homework. I'm supposed to explain to him about God's love for us all.
The problem is, I am atheist, and this God thing does not exist in my book...tough!
My son is only 4yrs, and goes to a Roman Catholic School. If I tell him there is no God, he will end up being confused for his Teacher's already fed him with all that holy nonsense. And if I teach him what I was taught as a child by my Sunday School teachers, I'd never forgive myself for being a hypocrite.

What to do....?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

"What if's." the end, I find out what it is precisely that drives people over the edge...
The urge to rewrite history, bend it a bit, is immensely intense in human beings.
We all have had moments where things did not turn out the way we wanted, or planned. Moments where wrong decisions and choices were made. Instead of accepting fate and go on with the cruel hourglass, we tend to torture ourselves thinking of what we could have done differently given a second chance. What we normally forget is the fact that no matter how fervently we wish for that lost moment, we can never recapture it. Its like going going around in a circle. Tough!
Well, life is tough.

You want the quickest way to get a bed in a psycho unit?
Try obsessing about "what ifs".

Monday, September 14, 2009

Beautiful unions.

This world only has a few families that have the full description of the word BEAUTIFUL.

You look at the two people in love, with a chemistry so tangible, and you begin to see love from a totally different point of view.

You look at the result of their love, (their kids, ofcourse) and you just run out of words.

Will Smith and his other half, Jada Pinkett should be one of the few Hollywood couples who surely have it all; looks, talent, loaded back accounts, and ofcourse a family so perfectly beautiful.

I was watching Jaden Smith's recent interview with Ellen Degeneres, and I tell you, I had my mouth wide open in awe. How could the kid be so heartbruisingly cute, and possess a talent so massive? Its so intriguing.

Will and Jada's first son is only 10 years old, but everyone can predict a brightest future ahead of him. The kid is beyond cute, he can dance like a superstar and he is very funny. Perhaps funnier than his

His sister Willow also has stars written all over her soul.
So admirable.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nursing a bruised soul.

One undesirable disadvantage of being abnormally passionate about something is that you put your heart at a great risk of disappointments, making yourself achingly vulnerable.
But would I rather be passionless to save myself from pain?
Nah, abnormal passion is what makes me, 'ME'.

Serena Williams failure to defend her US Open Grand Slam title has left my soul unbelievably bruised.
I am so badly aching!
Nothing can describe this thunderous rage I have in my soul right now.
I keep pinching myself to make sure am completely awake. Oh, yeah, I am wide awake.....
But besides the loss, the verbal abuse and the anti-climax of the whole match, I totally had a good time watching the Slam!
It was surely worth all the sleep deprivation.

And to Serena; you know am still your number 1 fan...ALWAYS!

Monday, September 7, 2009


When I logged onto the blog, I had a crystal clear pic of what I wanted on the page. But now that am on it, I can't get my mind to open up.
I want to write about Big Brother Revolution, how obsessed everyone back home is with it, but I am not that big a fan. I just don't get why everyone's making such fuss....
Big Brother has become so stale over the years. Ofcourse the producers have tried a number of twists to make it more interesting, but that hasn't helped much in attracting viewers.

Gosh, my mind is not really into what am writing. I wanna write about how I feel, how am badly am aching for my gorgeous pair of 'Stilletos'.....

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Orama's first day of School.

When I looked at my first born son this morning, looking all grown up and dashing in his School uniform, I couldn't help but cry; tears of pride, tears of joy.

My lil boy, finally going to School, I felt really proud!