Saturday, August 29, 2009

Anne Frank.

I have yet to come across another author who brings the Holocaust into a terrific, clear 3D picture... Anne Frank takes us deeper into the struggle of human souls in adversity.

The Diary of this Jewish young girl was part of my course study in my last year of Secondary School. I remember being the only one in my class who actually was fascinated with the book. My friends kept teasing me about having so much in common with the young Writer. I never thought it true.

But after reading the Diary again a decade later, I can in a way relate to what my friends meant.....

Only I know I could never have come up with something so precocious at 13. And I definitely would never have been strong enough to endure being confined in such a desperate place as the Secret Annexe for two whole years. Boredom would have killed me in less than an instant.

How many young people would stay in a horrifically caustrophic situation for more than a two years and still keep up their spirits?

Despite the overwhelming fear of getting caught, and the crappy conditions in the Secret Annexe, Anne never lost her wit. She never lost hope, either.

Aldof Hitler's cruelty surely costed the world a genius; a veritable idylist!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Really and truly, cockroaches have absolutely no manners. Actually, of all living creation, they should be the most mannerless.
And then I wonder: why would some human beings, with all the intellectual capabilities in possession, ever want to behave like cockroaches; demented, ill-mannered cockroaches, for that matter. How is that even possible?

How I missed you....

My darling Graceful,

I can't believe how long it has been since I last paid any attention to you, my most patient,most loyal, most forgiving......(I could go on with the best adjectives in your honour) friend. I am truly sorry. It certainly wasn't my intention to go on such a loud pause for so long, I just have been lunatically busy for the past few days. But I so missed you!

Not much has happened in my life so far. I know the last time I communicated I was in tears about PMS from satan's place of origin. Well, you should be delighted to know I'm alright, now. My abnormal hormones are at their best behaviour, therefore, no irritability, confusion or tears. My unpredictable emotional barometer has also made an effort to keep some peace, at least, thank god!

Graceful, have you ever been in a situation where you feel happy, but at the same time sad?
Orama starts big school next week; thats the whole pleasant, but not-so-pleasing story...
I've forever waited for my boy's first day of school, first day in uniform...., but now that that first day is imminent, I can't help feeling overwhelmingly teary. I feel like am willingly sacrificing my little boy's innocent ass to evil school bullies. Oh, dear, why do they have to grow up so fast?

Not to be rude, or feministic, and you probably don't think so, but all men are pathetic hypochondriacs! There is only one cause for their Hypochondria and thats; LAZINESS.
Men get headaches when asked to do dishes, diarrhoea, whenever its their turn to do laundry. And once the old domestic story touches a babysitting base, men go on temporary coma (as if they never enjoyed the baby production process).
But have you ever noticed all the time they are supposed to be sick they never refuse food? Not even once. "Koma odwala samadya". And any slight mention of the two following mannerless nouns: sex and alcohol, ha...... they'll jumpstart their lying, lazy backsides out of coma faster than an angry breeze. Some creatures indeed!

Anyway, dear, I gotta go.
I'm all yours come next week. Tennis starts on Monday, the 31st, so you know I will for sure keep my word.
And by the way, my lil sister is preggers again...........

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

PMS symptoms from HELL!

INEXPLICABLE; thats the only word that can go in the same sentence with my mood at the moment.
I have no idea whether am angry, or depressed. I haven't the slightest clue where all this irritability is coming from. Gosh, I am more than irritable!
I am unable to scream or cry, but I desperately need to release all this rotten tension that's chewing me up inside. How to deal with all this confusion?


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nothing to display.

I've discovered that am quite a boring writer when my life is going smoothly. Ok, my being overly tearful scare a multitude of cockroaches, but it surely brings out something interesting on page.

I've been stuck on this page for a good half an hour, trying to add words together, but its as if my mind has been frozen...

I'm sick of writing about Wacko Jacko - the late king of pop. (I read his corpse is lying there noseless after some freaks decided he didn't need his famous breathing 'instrument' in heaven...(or is it hell?)
Maybe MJ was never meant to have a nose!

Anyway, I've worked so hard to grow my nails so am not gonna bite them inorder to come up with a sensible article.
This can go to hell for all I care......

***slowly recovering****