Friday, November 9, 2012

Obama - so over him politically...

Am I the only living thing on earth that is indifferent about Barack Obama's reelection as president of the United States of America? Well, because it seems plants, birds, insects and all other living creatures around the planet are in a frenzy singing this familiar yet so unfamiliar Obama song. From the looks of it, I'm the only one who doesn't know the lyrics of this song. Even my dog seems to love the song. Does that mean there is something wrong with me?
Absolutely not!
I love Obama...
As a man (wink)
In fact I love him so much, I'd do him in less than an instant given a morsel of a chance. Sorry Michelle! I'm not looking for a verbal bash here. Just letting my pent-up feelings run free. Lol

Anyhow, let me get back to real issues. Enough of messing around.
These are some of my reasons why I don't give a flying frog about Orama - excuse me, I mean "Obama" not "Orama", being reelected as president of USA: Firstly; I hate politicians more than I hate politics. As charming as Obama is as a human being, I'm afraid he is still a politician. "Greedy as greed, selfish as selfishness" - Just like all politicians. You don't agree with me, do you? So why else would he run for second term as president if it wasn't for greed and an unquenchable thirst for power?
Politically, I'm so over Obama. So so over him that hearing his name makes me a bit queasy. Personally, am as in love with him as I was the first time I heard his smooth, but rich enchanting voice on radio. Haha!
Ok. Secondly; I don't believe in doing things twice. I celebrated Obama's win once, and don't think it sane, nor do I think it necessary for me to celebrate the it again over for the second time. That's just crazy!!! Somehow having to do the very same thing for the second time takes away the magic that was created the first time the thing was done, ruining everything in the end. Obama shouldn't have run for the second time!
Last but not least; More than I despise politicians, I despise things that are too obvious. Obama's reelection was a no brainer. We all knew he would win. Come on, how could he not when he was running against someone who is clinically insane? Really and truly, if Mitt Romney is sane then there is no such thing as insanity on earth and all other planets. All asylums for the disease should be shut down!

But since I'm such a nice living thing, the nicest that's ever lived, or breathed, I wish Obama the very best in his second term as president. Hopefully he'll prove me wrong and make me believe in doing things twice by fixing at least half of my problems and that of my family and friends. Lol

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