Thursday, June 20, 2013

Adios amigo

I've just realized I haven't written anything worth reading for a long time on this blog. A very long time! That's so uncool of me! And painfully lazy of me.
Just imagine;
Serena Williams won her second French Open title this year and I didn't write about it. Damn, I just can't believe I actually didn't write about it.
My sister got a new boyfriend who looks like a movie star during easter holidays and I didn't write about it. Oh I certainly can't believe I didn't write about it.
A lot has happened and I haven't written anything about it. Jesus I can't believe I haven't even bothered to write anything about anything

Well I guess the end that has always been approaching finally arrived without my noticing it. This is it: I'M DONE BLOGGING. Time to concentrate on other bigger fishes in the ocean...

Here is to summarize 4 full years of blogging;

There is no word in my vocabulary that can properly describe what a brilliant companion and friend Graceful (that's the name of the blog for those who didn't know) has been over the years.
A few times I wrote when I was happy. Other times I wrote when I was mad at this heartless world. But most of all, I wrote when I was sad, confused and at loggerheads with myself. And in all these times Graceful was right there by my side and for that I'll always be grateful. 

Now that's I've had the cure for my malady, all demons exorcised, it's time to march on with life on my own. Step by step onto the ice while I hold my breath... Though I know I'll never be truly and completely ok especially emotionally, though a part of me will always be bothered by the wicked echoes of the past, one thing is for certain; I WILL NEVER LOOK BACK; I CAN NEVER LOOK BACK!! Unlike Lot's wife, the thought of turning into a crust of salt doesn't appeal to me so I won't even be tempted. 

Goodbye Graceful!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Orama's 1st Holy communion after party...

After having the holy bread that tastes like nothing, we partied a storm...

Orama's 1st Holy Communion

On May the 18th, 2013, my 8 year old boy received Jesus as his personal savior. 
He told me the holy bread tastes like nothing. Lol

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Craig Russell Nkunga - 18 December 1979 - 30 April 2008

Five years ago today, death cruelly stole my only brother never to return him.
Words never can describe the aching emptiness left deep in my soul, nor shall the unstoppable tears I've shed fill it.

Craig dear,
I sincerely pray there's a life after death. That way you and I can say the things we didn't say, and do the things we didn't do.

Keep resting well darling bro!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Soul Provider...

Talk about love,
Talk about trust,
Talk about forever Hannah, when we talk about us.
Give you my world,
Stick to my guns,
Believe me when I tell you Hannah, that we've just begun...

Hannah, I wanna be
Your soul provider...

Oh my!!!
Haven't listened to the sweet sounds of Michael Bolton in five years.
Had almost forgotten how exceptionally woozy this musical genius makes me feel.
Viva Michael Bolton!
Even with your lovely long hair shaved, you're still the greatest. The magic that made you "what" you are wasn't in your hair, but your vocals, and deep down your soul.

Love to infinity and beyond.

Hannah Bolton.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Happy 8th birthday Orama

That's my 8 year old lad over there. New age, new haircut.
Born on the 8th of April 2005 at 11.39pm. My biggest pride!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

RIP Chinualumogu Achebe

Even though I still strongly think that as a writer, Achebe was overhyped, I have to appreciate and agree with the fact that the guy had plenty of boldness in him to stand up for what he believed in. He just was fearless that way. Never the one to mince words in his writing. Achebe wrote facts. Only facts, and that made his literary work irresistible.
That is all I have to say... For now...