Saturday, November 21, 2009

Crying over spilt milk....Irish potatoes..

Oh the magic thrill of scribbling...
Well, what can I say, this is what I love doing the most! Scribbbbbble....

Anyway, the hilarious episode is: almost a week later, the Irish potatoes are still giving out acid about their unfortunate failure to make it to South Africa for the 2010 world cup.
Ok, the French goal was faulty, even I saw it, but tough. Its all water under the bridge now. Even if the Irish were to produce a scream loud enough to deafen God's ears, the clock still wouldn't be turned. Deal with it people!

What cracks me up most is the fact that they won't let it go, even though they know nothing can be done about it. This morning at work, this guy came all red in the face, swearing...
I was so sure the reason behind his scary mood had something to do with his wife - probably he was denied his early morning conjugal rights...I was so wrong!

If you are Irish, and reading this, remember dung happens! I know it stings to have to wait for another bloody 4 years for another world cup, but its ok.
You know your guys played splendidly, you know in everyone's eyes you are the real winners, so don't waste anymore of your energy on spilt milk....

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My graceful darling, how I missed you!
The Doha adventure was amazing. I'll tell you all about it soon. Right now I'm feeling quite sluggish, and my scribbling needs some polish.
But other than that, everything's been quite ok.
I slept most of the day, today. You know how planes always leave me lethargic and sleepy.
Anyway, I just thought I should give you one big hallo kiss.

See ya soon.